EMS Agency Award

EMS Agency of the Year Award

To honor a Connecticut EMS agency for their contribution to the development and growth of quality prehospital care within their community, while complying with the rules and regulations of the State of CT DPH/OEMS. Each year two (2) awards may be presented honoring one (1) Commercial and/or one (1) Volunteer EMS agency.


     This award recognizes an EMS agency that:

  •  Is a certified/licensed Connecticut EMS agency.
  • Complies with all applicable EMS statutes, rules and regulations.
  • Participates in community oriented activities (CPR Training, School Programs, EMS Week activities, etc.)
  • Demonstrates a consistent pattern of rapid response times and adequate staffing levels.
  • Works cooperatively with surrounding public safety organizations.
  • Emphasizes provider education and professional development activities