About the Council

About the Council of Regional Presidents (CORP)

The Council of Regional Presidents consists of the five EMS Regional Presidents. Our purpose for meeting is to try and make sure each region knows what is going on within the other EMS regions. If Region 1 is conducting some sort of educational program maybe Region 4 will want consider doing the same. If Region 4 came up with a legislative initiative they think is worth pursuing they bring it up for discussion so the other chairpersons can bring it back to their regions to deliberate.

This website (ctemscouncils.org) and Facebook Page (facebook.com/ctemscouncils) were CORP initiatives. The content from each region comes from those specific regions. The amount of information that is now available to all interested parties is much greater than it has been. CT DPH OEMS also updates their page with greater frequency as a result.

In 2012, CORP took another initiative by taking over the CT EMS Awards. We have had multiple events annually, celebrating our EMS industry agencies and their providers, recognizing their commitment to our communties.The first ceremony was held in the Legislative Office Building and the second in the Old Judiciary Room of the State Capitol. The 2013 event was so well attended more chairs needed to be brought into the room and we still had people standing. There were many members of the CT State Legislature present recognizing the efforts put forth by all the award recipients. The event continues to grow each year and is currently held during the annual EMSPRO expo.

It was hard for CT DPH OEMS not to notice these initiatives as these meetings took place in their conference rooms. Our group meets monthly virtually or at CT DPH OEMS. The EMS Coordinators are faithful attendees and as time permits the Director will also attend.

CORP is proud to have collaborated with our partners from the EMS PRO Expo. Please look for more information on this site, or go to emspro.org or you can find us on Facebook or Twitter. This is where we see the EMS Community coming together as ONE. Where you’ll have Opportunities for Networking and Education.

This website is currently managed by CORP volunteers. We encourage our regency partners to email us any updates or changes and we will do our best to keep your information current and up to date.

Email us at  to have any corrections or updates to this site addressed.



Section 1 – Name

The name of the organization shall be the Council of Regional Presidents (hereafter called CORP).

Section 2 – Authority

The CORP is a corporation under the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes Chapter 602 and incorporated under the laws of the State of Connecticut as a nonstock, nonprofit corporation.

Section 3 – Applicability

The CORP shall be governed by these by-laws.  Every member shall be subject to the provisions thereof and such amendments as shall be made from time to tome.  These by-laws may be altered, amended or rescinded at any meeting of the CORP by a majority of all voting members provided that at least thirty (30) days written and/or electronic notice, including proposed changes, is given of the intent to alter, amend or rescind these by-laws at any such meeting.

Section 4 – Dissolution of CORP

In the event of dissolution of CORP, any remaining assets shall be distributed as follows:  (1) in the event that an organization is formed which (a) is open to membership to residents of the Regions served by this Board and (b) has purposes similar to the purposes of this organization, then it shall be the recipient of such assets (2) in the event that no such organization is formed within one year the assets of this Board shall be distributed equally to the five Regional Councils.


Section 1

The purpose of the CORP is the attainment of improved emergency medical services for the people of the State of Connecticut.

A. Provide advice to the Office of Emergency Medical Services pursuant to Sec. 19a-184(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes.  A meeting of the CORP shall be considered as satisfying Sec. 19a-184(b).  The Presidents or their designees of said Councils shall meet as a group at least bimonthly with the Office of Emergency Medical Services to discuss the planning, coordination, and implementation of the statewide emergency medical care service system.

B. Attendance at the CORP meetings will be required of the voting members or their designees, unless excused by the chair due to extenuating circumstances.

C. Provide a forum for dialogue on subjects of interest shared among the five Regional Presidents.

D. Provide subject matter expertise on public and private policies affecting the ability to achieve the purpose, including but not limited to ensuring adequate and continuing funding for program effort.

E. Provide technical assistance and resource development through such activities as conferences, seminars, consultant services, and other such activities.

F. To carry on any other activity coming within the purpose of the organization, as may be required.


Section 1

A. There shall be two classes of members:  voting and non-voting.

B. Voting members shall be the Regional Presidents or their designees.

C. Non-voting members shall be the Regional Coordinators/Directors or their designees.


Section 1 – Officers

The officers shall be the Chair and Vice-Chair/Secretary and such other Officers as may, from time to time, be deemed necessary.

Section 2 – Chair

The Chair is responsible to preside at all meetings, perform those duties placed upon the office by custom, preserve decorum, decide questions of order, and appoint committees as provided herein.

Section 3 – Vice-Chair/ Secretary

In the absence of the Chair the official duties shall be performed by the Vice-Chair/ Secretary.

Section 4 – Elections

All Officers will be elected from the voting members.  Each Officer shall hold office until a successor has been elected.  Said elections shall take place during the regular meeting held in April.

Section 5 – Term

The term of office for the Chairperson will be twenty-four (24) months.

Section 6 – Vacancy

If the position of Chair becomes vacant, the Vice-Chair/Secretary will serve in this capacity and a new Vice-Chair /Secretary is elected.


Section 1 – Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the Council shall be held at least once every two (2) months at a place and time determined by the CORP.

Section 2 – Special Meetings

A. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or any three (3) voting members.

B. A written and/or electronic notification of a special meeting shall be sent at least seven (7) days prior to the special meeting. The notification shall be sent to the Office of Emergency Medical Services and to each member of CORP.

Section 3 – Quorum

A majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the CORP.  A quorum for all committees shall be a majority.

Section 4 – Conduct of Meetings

Roberts Rules of Order shall guide the order and conduct of business in all meetings of the CORP in areas not in conflict with these by-laws.

Section 5 – Meetings

All meetings shall be open and all who attend shall be allowed to comment on any item of the agenda at the discretion of its presiding Officer.


Section 1 – Committees

A. Committees shall be standing or special as the by-laws provide or the membership approves.  Members of each committee shall serve until replaced.  Each committee, standing or special, may establish as many subcommittees as necessary with the approval of the committee Chairperson.

B. Members appointed to committees shall serve until replaced or until the standing or special committee or subcommittee has discharged its responsibilities.

Section 2 – Appointment of Committee

A. Standing or Special committee appointments will be made by the Chair The committee Chairperson must be a voting member of the CORP. Others may be appointed at the committee Chairperson’s discretion.

B. Subcommittee appointments are made by the committee Chairperson subject to the approval of the CORP Chair.

Section 3 – Committee Reports

All standing and special committees shall report to the CORP.